
At times, our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.”
And I am filled with gratitude for this day for your presence here.
Greetings to one and all present here !
Greetings to our most valued Honourable Chief guest Mrs Ashoo Khosla , Chief Learning Officer , Shoolini University ,President of the Good Shepherd Educational Society , Mr. Ken Clarke ,Principals and members of the management committee, parents, my dear friends, and everyone gathered here.
It is my proud privilege and honour to present before you my ANNUAL REPORT on The Academic Year 2022 in The good shepherd School.
The Good Shepherd School aims to remain dedicated and committed towards nurturing and fostering a sense of achievement in all. We strive for excellence in each and every endeavor so as to achieve transcendence. It gives immense pleasure and pride to present to you a report of our activities and achievements for the past one year i.e. 2021-22.


A vision without a task is a dream- a task without a vision is drudgery- but a task with a vision can change the world. The vision of The Good Shepherd School is To empower individuals with lifelong learning experience and values to make a global influence.


We stand strong and firm in the motto of The Good shepherd School, “Serving Humanity in all Humility.” via education, even to those who could not support or pay for their child’s education. However, classes never stopped a single day for any student, throughout this pandemic it gave the school an opportunity to serve humanity in the best way.
At The Good Shepherd School, we perceive to inspire and enthuse children to develop them into well-rounded, confident and responsible individuals who aspire to achieve their full potential.
The school focuses on providing an authentic learning environment where students apply knowledge and skills from multiple disciplines so as to widen their knowledge. We focus on both curricular and co-curricular activities where students are trained to have within them responsibility and a competitive spirit.
The Academic year 2022 began with full vigour and enthusiasm. It was heartening to once again see the building resonating with the sound of laughter as students came back to school after 2 years . The faculty comprises of well qualified, learned and empathetic teachers with a desire to share the love of their subject with the students. We are fortunate to have with us a faculty of teachers who are ever eager to improvise and adapt to new challenges and demands so as to bring out the best in their students.
Creativity and innovation are the benchmarks in the field of Pedagogy and we continuously strive to incorporate it.

Environmental Education

For the survival and sustenance of mankind environment should be preserved and that can be achieved if students love their environment and search for ways to preserve it. This year being at home, the students planted saplings in and around their houses.
An online event was held where children beautifully displayed how waste can be disposed, planting of saplings and three R’s. A slogan writing and poster making competition as well as best out of waste competition was held.

Parent Teacher Association

A General body meeting of PTA was held on line. They were apprised of the way the online classes and the activities were being conducted. The PTA body in turn gave their feedback and suggestions. We thank them for their continuous support and cooperation.

Academic Activities

Competitions and academic activities encourage and foster a healthy and competitive spirit. Students actively participated in a activities conducted by CBSE. The activities are conducted at classroom level. Some are essay, speech, handwriting, slogan writing competitions. Reading Day was made memorable when the students were asked to read their favourite book. Value based education and life skills training is imparted so as to make the students morally and socially learned individuals.
Under the banner of Ek Bharat Shreshth Bharat, Himachal Pradesh was paired with the state of Kerala. Students learnt about the alphabet, language, songs, dance, as well as the geographical regions and culture of the state.

Training, Seminars, Orientation and Counselling

Teachers have participated in all the mandatory workshops by CBSE as well as DIKSHA online mode as well as webinars held by other Houses. To name a few NEP 2020, CBE, Inclusive Teaching, Pedagogical Practices, Experiential Learning, FLN, etc.

Co- Curricular and Extra Curricular Activities

Every activity in school life plays a significant role in a child's development. Co-curricular activities are an essential part of school life as they help to enhance the learning process of the students. Through these activities we strive to bring out levels of confidence and communication skills.
Some of these events are Talent Competition, Master Chef, Speech & Declamation Competition, Dance competitions, Story Telling etc.

Science Porium & Mathemagic

This year for the first time , Science Porium , a science Model Making & Activities were held to generate a scientific temperament in the students. In the same Manner Mathemagic – a Math activity Exhibition was held. Students from Fun and Learn school & Bal Bharti were invited for the same.

Inter School Activities

The students of Class Vi, VII & VIII participated in Inter School Competition held by Genius Global School and secured the 2nd position.
The students also participated in Science Congress. Angel Negi of Class X received the 2nd prize at District level in Science Activity Corner .
Students also participated in Science / English & Maths Olympiad .

Educational Trips

The students visited the various departments in the Nauni, Horticultural University and also the Library in Shoolini University .

Environment awareness .

The students took out a rally on World Environment Day and staged a play also in the neighbouring areas.
Tree Plantation was held in the school .
Eco cLubs were created , giving students the responsibility for their own eco patch.

Games and Sports

Physical Fitness is an integral part of The Good Shepherd School. The students participated in Inter House Matches – Volleyball, Kho-Kho, Badminton and a marathon.


In order to foster the values of national integration, international understanding, religions and cultural awareness and tolerance various national, religions and cultural festivals were celebrated .
National Festivals: Independence Day, Republic Day, Gandhi Jayanti,Shahid Diwas were celebrated.
Religious Festivals: Special Assemblies are held on all major festivals supported with a cultural activity, art or Card Making activity.

Other Significant days

Significant recognition is given by the school to different global events like International Women's Day,Labour Day ,International Worker's Day, English Week, Earth Day, Hindi Diwas, Yoga Day, International Literacy Day , Road Safety Day , Anti-Tobacco Technology Day , Himachal Day etc.

SMC Meeting

SMC Meeting was held online wherein the members were apprised of the activities planned and the progress in Academics.


Regular tests, Assessments, Term Exams were conducted as per schedule.Various forms of Assessment have been adopted as per the NEP 2020- MCQ, Online tests, Role Play, Quiz etc.


I would like to thank the Management for their constant support, very hardworking team of teachers, supportive parents and my dear students who have been the bravest warriors of all who have learnt to adjust to a completely different way of life.
I wish each one the very best of good health and safe keeping. God bless.