The Lord is my Shepherd , there is nothing I shall want.

Psalm 23

The school is named after the Good Shepherd. It is taken from the Book of Psalms 23 found in the Holy Bible. The Lord is our Shepherd and we are completely dependent on him for his provision, guidance , protection and obedience and follow the One who will lead us wisely in the right direction.

This institution has been established with a vision and mission to serve humanity with all humility. Our focus is to give students an all round education and the development of a child’s personality through cultural , social literary disciplines in a holistic environment .

May this institution grow to great heights and strive for excellence .Building and empowering champions of tomorrow, to expand and realise their ambition and dreams through The Good Shepherd High School, Solan . May they always imbibe the values of humility, compassion and empathy.

May God shower His blessings on The Good Shepherd Fraternity !