It is a well known fact that a strong foundation at the primary level plays a very
important role in to enable the child to be well prepared for what lies ahead
keeping in view the prevalent trends . The curriculum aims to provide a holistic and
broad based education
The aim of the curriculum is:-
1. to make learning a joyful experience.
2. To be able to apply knowledge to real life experiences.
3. To be able to convey thoughts ideas , effectively through oral , written and non
verbal communication skills.
4. To be able to use technology effectively to communicate ideas through
pictographs, tabular forms , visuals , PPTs.
5. To be able to connect learning with different languages.
6. To be able to adjust harmoniously in the local surroundings and the community
7. To develop a deep sense of responsibility towards others and become responsible
citizens who make a valuable contribution to society.
8. To respect diversities in terms of language, religion, cultures , gender, regions
9. To be sensitive towards environmental issues and learn to manage tem
10. To be humane. Charitable, helpful & kind towards the lesser privileged, elderly
and differently able.
11. The Curriculum Document comprises of four parts Pre School , ( Pre Nursery,
Nursery & Kindergarten ), Primary ( Classes 1-V) , Upper Primary ) & Secondary ( IX
& X ).
Pre Primary ( Nur & KG)